Advice to Moms from Kids

I got the opportunity to interview some kiddos on their advice to moms on some different aspects of life and motherhood. Their responses are honest, cute, sometimes funny, and other times full of wisdom.

The scriptures tell us “unless we change and become like little children, we will not see the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14, and Luke 18:17) They are by nature innocent and honest. They see things for the most part, just as they are with a child like faith.

I hope that you read through these with a lens of openness. My prayer for you as you read these is three fold:

  • First, for moms to be encouraged that their kiddos see what they are doing right.
  • Second, for us to take seriously the things that point out that might need to change.
  • Third, for us to be able to laugh at ourselves.

Advice to Moms from Kids on Worry

  1. Why do you think Moms worry?

Too many things going on. -KH, age 5

If they have enough water and food and about floods. -Sawyer, age 4

Because their kids act naughty. -JV, age 7

They worry because they care about their kids a lot. -JH, Age 8

For their job or their family or something. Because their job is important and so are people. Jobs give you money, and you need a job to stay alive and not be homeless. it’s a priority. – S, age 8

2. What do they worry about?

Their children getting lost. -KH, age 5

Because of their sins.Sawyer, age 4

They are afraid their kids will be naughty when they group up and go to prison. -JV, age 7

Moms worry about their kids getting hurt mostly. -JH, Age 8

3. Why should they not worry?

Because God is with them. -KH, age 5

Because nothing will happen.Sawyer, age 4

If their kids are good like me they don’t need to worry. -JV, age 7

Mom’s shouldn’t worry about kids getting hurt because we will be okay actually. -JH, Age 8

They shouldn’t worry because God will protect your family and will help you with your job if you ask him to.S, age 8

4. What does the Bible say about worry?

Do not be afraid because God is with you. -KH, age 5

Don’t fear because God is with you.Sawyer, age 4

Only worry if your aren’t a Christian. -JV, age 7

It says that although the world is dangerous in some places you live, Jesus is always going to be with you no matter where you are. -JH, Age 8

The bible says to not worry because God will always have a plan for your life.S, age 8


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” -Philippans 4:6-7

Most of our kiddos seem to pick up on the fact that we worry over them and situations we can’t control. But, at the same time, they know (because we’ve taught them) that God is the one in control and always with us so, we must not fear. Let’s take their advice for us, Moms, and trust in Him.

Keep teaching your kids truths about God being in control. Pray and strive to put these truths in practice yourself so that you teach your kids how to remain confident and pray in the face of uncertainty.

Advice from kids to moms

Advice for Moms from Kids on Stress

  1. What does your mom do or say when she is stressed out?

She says she needs time alone or takes a bath. -GH, age 12

She goes in her room and tries to calm down, I think. -MV, age 10

She says can you leave me alone and she needs quiet time. -JH, age 8

She takes a deep breath and sends us to our room if we do something that wasn’t a good choice. S, age 8

She says, “Go sit in a time out!” -JV, age 7

2. Why do moms get stressed?

They have too much stuff to do. -GH, age 12

Because their kids give them a headache . –MV, age 10

They probably get stressed because their kids ask them a lot of questions or don’t do what they ask. -JH, age 8

Because their kids are loud, and I am ALWAYS loud! -JV, age 7

3. How do you feel when your mom is stressed?

Sometimes I feel bad like maybe I caused it. -GH, age 12

It makes me feel stressed too. LV, age 11

Sad cause I feel bad for her. MV, age 10

I’m like “oh my gosh” and I go to my room. S, age 8

SAD. -JV, age 7

4. How can you help her?

I try to be good and tell my siblings to act right. -GH, age 12

Obey her the first time and say “sorry” when I don’t. MV, age 10

By doing my chores, and feeding the dogs and doing the things she says to do when she says it. -JH, age 8

I could help her by doing whatever she wants me to do or helping around the house without her asking and being proactive so she doesn’t get more stressed. S, age 8

By snuggling her. -JV, age 7

5. What advice do you have to help moms be less stressed?

Pray. -GH, age 12

Go to therapy! -LV, age 11

I hear yoga is relaxing. MV, age 10

She could exercise or go outside and play games with her kids. -JH, age 8

She could probably calm it down and wait for another day to cool off, and then do her stuff that she is stressed about later –  talk to somebody about it or something. Or, she could just hang out for a little and take some breaks off and talk to God about it. S, age 8

6. What does the Bible say about stress?

It says not to be worried or upset because you can give all of your worries to Him. -GH, age 12

“Stress is the source of anger” although, on second thought, I think that might be a quote from the Ninja Turtles, not the Bible. MV, age 10

It says that if you are stressed you wont have any energy so you have to stop being so stressed. -JH, age 8

It says, don’t worry, don’t be stressed for I am with you. God knows what you’re feeling and you can always talk to him. S, age 8

Just let Jesus calm you down. -JV, age 7


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Wow, its really clear that our kiddos pick up on our stress and our need to be alone. It is good for us to take a time out when we feel really overwhelmed. It’s also so important that we are sure to take these kiddos advice and take our stress to God in prayer.

I’m not sure about you but it made my heart a little sad that the kids feel bad about our stress or that they are the source of it. I think I probably could do a better job of remaining calm and not taking my frustrations out on them. Also, with Jesus, we can go from frustrated to joyful.

Overall I am so encouraged that our children thought of such great advice to help us moms when we are stressed. They truly desire in their hearts to not be a burden but a blessing. And, more so that they realize that God is our help and hope in times of stress.

Advice on Being a Fun Moms

  1. What makes your mom fun?

She plays with us. -Sawyer, age 4

She takes us place for Family Day and plans special treats. -SH, age 10

When she lets me do stuff I want to. -LV, age 11

She plans activities and fun outings for us. -IH, age 14

2. What kind of things does a fun mom do?

They love their children, play with them, and do art with them. -Grayson, age 6

She has a good attitude and she has fun with her kids. -SH, age 10

Probably give their kids allowance, but you should know my mom does NOT do that! -LV, age 11

Let the rules bend sometimes and not be serious all of the time. -IH, age 14

3. What keeps mom from having fun?

Doing work. -Grayson, age 6

Well, she’s not fun mostly cause she likes to sit down and fall asleep sometimes. -JH, age 8

They get tired and get caught up in other stuff. -SH, age 10

She has to yell at her kids all the time. -LV, age 11

Their kids who act disrespectful. -IH, age 14

4. What does the Bible say about fun?

That God created everything and God created fun. -Grayson, age 6

The Bible says to be joyful in everything that you do. -SH, age 10

You can have fun but be safe and careful. -LV, age 11

There were lots of celebrations in the Bible and God wants His people to praise Him in joy. -IH, age 14


“So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:15

Our kid’s ideas of fun seem to revolve around us being with them. We don’t have to make grand plans but simply be present and enjoy the moments. They also pick up on our attitude and know when we are truly exuding the joy of the Lord.

Let’s remember that it is good to have rules, boundaries, and get stuff done but the Lord also intends for us to enjoy life and our families. Let’s make sure that we laugh, relax, and spend time being silly with our kiddos. Let’s not get so exhausted doing for them that we forget to make memories with them!

Advice on Teaching Your Kids About Jesus

How does your mom teach you about Jesus?

By telling us about Him at school. -Sawyer, age 4

All of the stories of the Bible and how He is so powerful. -KH, age 5

Sometimes every day she makes us memorize scriptures from the bible and reads bedtime stories about Jesus. She plays songs to get it in our heads. -S, age 8

She teaches us Bible lessons we will always remember. -MV, age 10

What are some ways your mom loves you like Jesus?

She takes care of me. -KH, age 5

She takes care of me and helps me when I get hurt or feel sort of sad. -JH, age 8

She is always with us like Jesus and provides what we need.-SH, age 10

She loves me no matter what I do, which is how Jesus loves us. -LV, age 11

How does your mom show Jesus to others?

She is a nice Christian and tells them about the Bible. -KH, age 5

She is making a website for women and moms. She teaches others about Jesus through that site. -S, age 8

She teaches them about God. -MV, age 10

Why should moms teach their kids to know Jesus?

Jesus is the loving God. -KH, age 5

So they can go to heaven. – Grayson, age 6

Because Jesus loves us and if she didn’t teach me then I wouldn’t know it, so it is good for her to teach me. -JH, age 8

So we can go and tell others about Jesus and it can be a cycle that goes on and on and on. -S, age 8

So they won’t end up in hell! -MV, age 10


“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.Teach them to your children, speaking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 11:18-19

Good job making sure to teach the word of God to your kiddos Mommas. They are listening and they remember more than you think. The Bible encourages us to speak of the Lord’s word often and to display it where it is often seen.

And, most importantly, let’s not just proclaim it with our mouths but live it out. They are watching and waiting for you to give them a mom worth imitating. They see you loving and caring for them and others.

Valuable Life Lessons From MOM

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